Cory Family Reunion 1994
Salt Lake City, Utah
The Cory Family Society held their reunion this year in Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 11, 1994.
During our stay in Salt Lake City Many of the attendees used the LDS Library for researching their ancestors. The patrons couldn't have been more helpful. It seemed as if no question to them was difficult or unable to solve. The supply of research material seemed to be limitless. We had plenty to keep us busy while in Salt Lake, like the museum, in the Mormon complex; the movie on the Mormon hardships and tragedies prior to and during the migration to the Salt Lake Valley; the Mormon Tabernacle Choir during their broadcast session on Sunday morning; the tour of the grounds and buildings was absolutely amazing. There was plenty of good eating places there. One place was the Wagon Masters. The theme was a covered wagon stopping place out side of a western town on the the way to the west, on the Oregon trail. We were seated in a covered wagon with our booth lighted by an old kerosene lantern and a canopy of stars Overhead. Of course every one employed there was in western dress. Under and around the wagons were all kind of wild life in their natural habitat. "stuffed of course". Very good chow and periodically there would be a shoot out or the good guys chasing the bad guys through the area.
Our President, Mark Hester, could not be there due to job commitments. Mrs. Dorothy Rout our second Vice President, did a magnificent job keeping all the Corys in line and presiding over our business meeting.
Prior to the luncheon, ballots for the new Logo were given to each member present. All the Logos submitted were represented in the ballot. Some of the original drawings were in color. A presentation was given including the motto and narration for each was read. After the ballots were marked they were picked up by the Tellers, Bob Cory and Roger Miller to be counted. The results were number one by a handsome margin. The Motto shall read "HOLD WITH A FIRM HAND". The consensus of the members present was that there would be no Latin on the Logo and that the names CORY and COREY shall be part of the Logo.
Paul Corey, now on the staff of the LDS Library, presented a program on genealogy and computers and their effect on prisoners at the state penitentiary. Paul had set up the Family Search program at the penitentiary and worked with the prisoners on their family history. He stated that there was a decidedly favorable effect on the men as most became more focused in their lives and not as bitter toward society. Paul also related some of his experiences at the Family History Center. In the library the Corys are well represented The books on display: CORYS OF AMERICA, Vol I; Vernon Cory's book on AMERICAN CORYS; The Great Book Excerpts; Cory Family Newsletters; and a very old book on the Corries, 1802 - 1889. Located in the archives are many old manuscripts by previous researchers. These are very easily found through the Family Search programs. If you haven't visited a Family History Center Library for your research please let me highly recommend it.
According to our treasure there are only 112 members who have paid their dues for 1994.
The dates for our seventh reunion are May 12, 13 and 14th, 1995. The place is 220 miles West of London in Launceston, England, Cornwall. Our accommodations as of now is the White Hair Hotel which has 28 rooms and the Eagle House Hotel. All the details will be forthcoming in the next issue of the Newsletter. The Newsletter will come out in January in lieu of February so we can have more time to plan and make reservations. There is a reunion of the English Cory Family Society this month. They will make up the itinerary at that time. There were many suggestions made at our reunion but there is no way we could pin anything down without being there, so please bear with us and we will have a schedule soon. Your Editor or Mark our president should have something by the first of December should you need more time for your reservations.