June 24, 2001
Comfort Inn
Chillicothe, Ohio
Present at meeting:
John Bowdle, Marge Chilson, Fred Corey, Berneice Corey, Alan Cory, Art Cory, Vera Corey, Claude Cory, Phyllis Cory, Galen Moore, Charlotte Muller, Chuck Rout, Dorothy Rout, Carl Withers, Jenny Withers, Ruth Sanders.
Dorothy Rout introduced John Dowdle, Ross County Genealogy Society who presented information on land surveys, estates, wills and probate information concerning Joseph (father) and Nathan and Stephan Cory families. John will be submitting this article to the newsletter and for our web page.
Fred Corey asked Charlotte Muller to present her update on her recent research on South Hampton records and comments.
Fred Corey opened meeting approximately 10:30 a.m. Jenny Withers read the minutes from the last meeting held in Newport News, Virginia on August 27, 2001. Minutes were approved with corrections. Moved by Chuck Rout.
Fred asked if anyone had any additional names for libraries or societies that would like to be added to the list to review Cory Society Newsletter. Please write down name and give or send to Fred. Also, any names of people who would like to join the Cory Society.
Fred recommended adding financial report to newsletter, as Maxine was not able to attend meeting and present her report. As a follow-up Maxine reported that the balance in the Cory Family Society account as of October 5, 2001 is $4,546.24.
Marge Chilson was recognized
as a lifetime member of the Cory Society and will be exempt of dues. She will also receive a plaque.
Fred discussed the web site information and availability to members. There was some discussion of charging a fee for certain research provided if a person requests information that is not a member of the Corey Society. A motion was made by Vera Cory to charge a fee for research requested by non-members. Motion seconded by Art Corey. Discussion followed with the decision approving a charge for non-members and a nominal cost for members. Motion was amended to $20.00 non-members and $10.00 per member payable in advance, to the treasurer. Motion voted on and carried.
Chuck Rout introduced David, Emily, and John Scardena as they joined our meeting. David, Emily, and John are Dorothy and Chuck Rout's daughter, son-in-law and grandson.
Dorothy Rout submitted her resignation as vice president to Fred Corey. Fred Corey accepted her resignation and thanked her for her hard work and service, which was followed by a round of applause.
Fred discussed the newsletter preparation and asked for short articles and news submittals. Also, Fred suggested adding old newsletter articles to the web page as a reference.
Fred asked the members if the membership directory (including names, addresses, phone numbers and email) could be distributed to our membership. A discussion followed and was basically approved to distribute this information to our membership only through our newsletter.
Fred requested biography and ancestral information be submitted to the newsletter, along with land deeds, wills, and helpful hints.
Fred discussed the amount of interest the web site has been receiving, as many as two hundred inquiries per day.
Discussion concerning next years meeting with several sites mentioned. Also planning a couple years ahead, i.e. Rhode Island, England, New Jersey, Southhold, New York.
Art Corey stated that a Cory is president of the genealogy society in Rhode Island; Charlotte Muller also supported this information.
Motion to hold our next meeting in Rhode Island was made by Art Corey, seconded by Galen Moore, voted on, and carried. The time was tentatively set for the 3rd to last week of July 2002.
Fred asked for vice president nominations. Office will be left open until next meeting.
Meeting was temporarily moved to a banquet room, where lunch was served. After lunch meeting continued with discussion of the logo submittals. Phyllis Cory described her submittal and how she designed it. Dorothy Rout described her design. Both designs were very thoughtfully done. Discussions as to if the words United States of America should be omitted. The spelling of the name Cory was talked about and Charlotte explained various spellings.
A motion was made by Alan Cory to combine artwork from both logo submittals for final review seconded by Art Corey. Approval was given by the group for Fred to receive the final logo drawing.
Jenny Withers will submit an update on the health of Vernon Corey of England to Fred for publication in the newsletter.
Claude Cory shared information he had discussed on the home of Hiram Corey and his large ranch in California. He has history concerning his arrival to California from Canada. The original home is now an office complex. If anyone is interested in further information Claude Cory has a book he copied.
No further old business. Fred thanked Dorothy and Chuck Rout for all their hard work and preparation for this year's reunion.
Motion made by Jenny Withers to adjourn seconded by Dorothy Rout - meeting adjourned 1:30 p.m.