Seekonk, Mass. Sunday, August 18, 2002
Present at the Reunion: Diane Adams, Ernest Briggs, Margaret Muller-Bruegel, Ed & Louise Bush, Edward & Jean Carusi, Art & Vera Corey(CO),Arthur Corey(CT), Carolyn Corey, Fred & Bernice Corey, Clayton & Marilyn Corey, Paula Corey, Earl Cory, Lester Cory, Don & Sue Dunkelberger, Marjorie Fenili, Parker & Freida Hall, Carol Kloss, Bill Masters, Joan Masters (was she here?), Galen Moore, Kathleen Reed, Jane Ritchey, Janet Sharpe, Jean Walshak, Ronette Walshak, Nels Tyring, Patricia & Otis Wyatt.
Fred Corey opened up the meeting at 2:30 P.M. Fred spoke in appreciation of the late Charlotte Muller's work as past genealogist for the society & recommended her book. He spoke of the 30+ boxes in storage in Michigan from her records. He recommended that these records be sent to appropriate historical society locations & split according to the origins of the line represented.
Margaret Bruegel, Charlotte's
daughter, addressed the group & donated a check for $2500 for the continuation of the DNA project that had been
so important to Charlotte. Art Corey, who is in charge of the DNA project, accepted the check.
Carolyn Corey read the minutes from the last meeting held at Chillicothe, OH on June 24, 2001. Minutes were approved with corrections. Moved by Pat Wyatt, seconded by Galen Moore.
Fred gave a brief financial report, as the treasurer Maxine Hester was not able to attend the meeting. The balance in the account as of this date is $4746.23. The cost of the bus of this trip was subsidized $500-600 from this account. Also, money is being spent on the DNA research project. Advance dues are on a computer spread sheet. Contributions to the DNA project are being accepted. Pat Wyatt moved to approve Maxine's treasurer's report, seconded by Galen Moore.
The Cory Society logo has been submitted by Dorothy Rout. Earl Cory displayed the image from his computer screen at the meeting while Fred explained the meaning of the symbols & objectives of not using the previous logo of the UK Bremerton Cory's. Fred asked for comments. Mr Wyatt? (Pat's son) asked about using the Cory flag from the whaling ship & Art Corey explained that it was specifically tied to the William line, therefore could not be used. Art motioned to accept logo as presented. Pat Wyatt seconded the motion.
Fred stated that the genealogist/historian position is available & that several people could be delegated to help fill the gap, each working on a different family line. Pat Wyatt stated that there is a certified genealogist qualification for this position. The treasurer position will also be open within 6 months time, as Maxine Hester will be vacating that job due to ill health. Fred described the duties of treasurer.
Fred suggested that we have a March 1 cut-off date for paid memberships in order for the newsletters to be sent. At present there is not a good system of reminders for past due memberships. Earl stated that there are 218 Cory Society members on the computer list.
Fred introduced a new member, Kathleen Reed from Mass. who immediately volunteered to help out on the Thomas line genealogy.
Art Corey reported on the DNA research project. The overall purpose of the study is to determine the relationships between the 3 Cory/Corey surname progenitors; William of Rhode Island, John of Long Is, NY & Thomas of Chelmsford, MA. The male participants of this study were recommended by Charlotte Muller due to their strong pedigrees in representing the 3 lines. (Y chromosome passed down thru males only). Art was the exception as he had an unproven pedigree. He previously thought he might be from the William line, but discovered that he is instead from the Thomas line! The study has shown that the 3 progenitors have had no common ancestor since 1400 A.D. This means that John was NOT the father of William Corey of Portsmouth as had been previously suggested.
Art gave hand-outs of his findings to the group & encouraged more male Corys to come forward to be tested. The lab cost is $195 when the testing is done in groups of 6 or more. Hearty round of applause for Art's work.
Fred said he would like to do DNA burial research on the Brigg's Cemetery (Cory Lane, Portsmouth, RI) but there is a moral issue on whether this should be attempted.
Art recommends that the UK Corys be included in future DNA research, so that the origins of the American Corys can be found. Fred said that more contacts will be made to encourage UK line testing. Art suggested that the society send someone over to obtain samples firsthand.
Earl is currently updating the web site & the policy has been to NOT list the descendancy of living persons. Fred proposed listing information for all members on the web site. Earl opposed this idea because to would be too much work to change the current system. There was a discussion of charging for research/information from the web master. At present there is no policy. Fred proposed an amendment for requests for information. Moved & approved that the same policy will be continued. Earl will not list vitals on living members & he will continue to accept requests for information at no charge
Fred stated that there has been no report from the UK Cory Society. They are receiving our newsletters.
Earl Cory gave a detailed report on the contents of the web site & gave statistics for visitors to the site. Round of applause for Earl's hard work.
Fred opened up discussions of the new agenda:
Charlotte's records are presently with her family in Michigan. They have left the decision for future location up to the society. Pat Wyatt opened discussion of splitting the records to different states. For ex., William should be in Rhode Island but there would be overlapping records which should be copied for other locations.
More on-line records will be made available on the web site. Arthur Bertus Cory's book, with corrections made by Charlotte Muller, will be added as well as Edwin Francis Corey's notes made prior to the North Kingstown, RI fire in 1920, when the records were destroyed. Pat Wyatt's son suggested that a copy of these latter records go to the No. Kingstown Town Hall.
Fred suggested possible locations for next year's annual meeting are England, Boston, New Brunwick, Salt Lake City & Southold NY. Art would like to go to England to get DNA testing started firsthand. Southold, NY is out because of lack of Corys in the area to work on it. Fred suggested that we have 2 primary choices for the meeting; England & the Boston area. Janet Sharp suggested that there be more free time if a European meeting is planned.
Galen asked for the floor & read excerpts from a book entitled ?Whale Commissioners Genealogies of Long Is. Families?. This information pertains to the Corys from the John line.
Fred asked for feedback on this meeting regarding schedule, cost, facilities, etc. Discussion followed on the cost of hotels for the future. Carol Kloss suggested we keep the prices low. Earl suggested that we not plan a meeting in downtown Boston, but nearby, to keep expenses down. Don Dunkelburger said that if we keep the price down more people will be able to come. Art said if we go to England we will have to be adaptable (as prices are higher there). Clayton Corey asked Fred for a comparison of rooms. Bernice Corey stated that we had a good banquet for the $. Galen Moore said we should keep to the budget. A discussion of what month would be best for future meetings ended with Fred saying that late-August & early September seem to be the best times. Fred said that this discussion gave him enough feedback to make decisions for the next meeting.
Fred stated his appreciation for the contributions of Patricia & Otis Wyatt for planning this event. Round of applause for them. Also, Lester Cory & Richard Kuegler will be sent thank you notes for their time.
Round of applause for Fred Corey & his efforts at making this a successful event.
Meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM.