Note: Rewording and changes approved at the August 27, 2000 meeting are marked in red.

  1. THE DUTY OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE shall be to represent the Family Society during the interval between Society Meetings, to recommend the time and place of Meetings, to determine the order of business and the program of the Meetings and to perform other work which may be delegated to the Committee by the Society.

  2. THE PRESIDENT shall exercise supervision over the Society, to call special meetings of the Executive Committee. He shall preside at all Society Meetings and submit to the Society any information and recommendations of importance. When necessary the President or the Executive committee shall designate one of the Vice Presidents to preside at Society meetings in the absence of the President and to assume the Presidents? duties.

  3. THE VICE PRESIDENTS shall carry out the policies of the Society by developing and administering programs within their assigned spheres of activities. Programs shall be approved by the Executive Committee. The Vice Presidents shall assist and counsel the President in all Society matters. The Vice Presidents shall act on behalf of the President in his absence.

  4. THE SECRETARY shall keep accurate minutes of Society Meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee and perform other duties as directed by the President or the Executive Committee.

  5. THE TREASURER shall receive and keep an accurate account of all dues, contributions and other monies received by and in behalf of the Cory Family Society, and to handle all expenditures and disbursements for and in behalf of the Society.

  6. THE GENEALOGIST shall supervise and direct compilation of accurate genealogical records of the Cory Family, and will make the records available to the membership of the Society by entering appropriate genealogical information on a Society website and by any other method approved by the Society. The Executive Committee may appoint assistants to help in collecting and distributing the information compiled, and if necessary may engage a professional researcher. All members are requested to send any genealogical information they have accumulated to the Genealogist.

  7. THE SOCIETY EDITOR shall be responsible for preparing and mailing a Society Newsletter to the membership and appropriate genealogical libraries. The Newsletter will normally be mailed every third month or four times annually. The Executive Committee shall submit material for inclusion in the Newsletter, and all members are requested to submit suggestions.

  8. THE WEBMASTER shall design and maintain a Society Website and enter all appropriate information about the Society. The Webmaster will also enter on the Website such Cory Family genealogical information as is approved by the Society Genealogist or the Executive Committee.

  9. THE ANNUAL DUES shall be sufficient to cover the cost of the Newsletter and Website and other necessary Society expenses as determined by the Executive Committee. The current charge will be published in each Newsletter. Additional funds may be requested according to the financial needs of the Society in carrying out programs approved by the membership at Society Meetings. Dues shall be paid annually on or before such dates as are specified by the President or Executive Committee and published in the Newsletter.

  10. THE BY-LAWS OF THE CORY FAMILY SOCIETY may be amended, altered, or added to by a majority vote of members present at a Society Meeting.