The Cory Family Society

Articles of Constitution

Note: Rewording and changes approved at the August 26, 2000 meeting are marked in red.

  1. NAME:  The family organization shall be known as the Cory Family Society

  2. OBJECTIVE:  The objective of the Cory Family Society shall be to strengthen ties of kinship and fellowship between living members of the family; to maintain unity in the Society through frequent association of members in a social way; and to perpetuate the memory and genealogy of ancestors and descents of the Cory Family by combining the resources and efforts of members of the Society in performing genealogical research, and by unifying all genealogical, historical, and biographical research necessary to compile accurate family records.

  3. MEMBERSHIP:  All descendants, their spouses and person who are not descendants of the Cory Family may become members of the Society by contacting the President or Treasurer and paying the annual dues required to sustain membership.

  4. OFFICERS:  The elected officers consist of a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer.  The Executive Committee shall consist of all elected and appointed officers as well as the past President.  Terms of office shall begin at the close of the business session at which the officers are elected and cover a period of two years or until new officers are elected at a Society Meeting.  Officers are eligible to be reelected.  Failure to hold  the Annual Meeting or any election of officers shall not disrupt the family organization.  Officers appointed by the Executive Committee shall include a Genealogist, a Society Editor, and a Webmaster.

  5. MEETINGS:  The meetings of the Cory Family Society shall consist of an annual meeting and any other meetings and reunions approved by the Executive Committee.  The Annual Meeting shall meet at a time and place determined by a vote by a majority of members present at the preceding Annual Meeting.  The agenda of the Annual Meeting shall include any necessary elections of officers, presentations of business matters and any other general activities desired by the Executive Committee.

  6. AMENDMENTS:  The Articles and subsequent Amendments of the this Constitution may be amended by a vote of three-fourths of members present at a Society Meeting.